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Honeycomb Shack

The Honeycomb Hub: a hive of activity nurturing the community, a place where everyone is welcome and      no-one feels alone.

Supporting the community is one of the fundamental goals of the Honeycomb Hub.


Researching what would be most beneficial to the community led us to the discovery that:

  • there is a large Downs Community of young adults who cannot find employment

  • there are few groups suitable for children with sensory processing issues

  • new parents struggling with the challenges of parenthood didn't have a wide variety of places to turn to

  • Phakalane lacked children's entertainment that focused on digital detox and reducing screen time


We are working with Down's Syndrome Association of Botswana to support young adults by providing work placements. Our first assistants, Gau and Kutlo, have been developing their skills and helping across the Hub, in the cafe, free play area and making sure the children have fun playing in Tiny Town.


To support children with sensory processing issues, we close to the general public on a Thursday afternoon 3-5pm when we host a sensory friendly session. This is specifically for children with special needs and will hopefully be less overwhelming for those who dislike crowds and noise.  We have headphones available, a range of sensory toys and some of our soft play equipment out.


For any parents struggling with the challenges of parenthood, loneliness or feeling overwhelmed, we provide a free space that they can come for company, advice or simply to get out of the house for an hour or two. Open all day, the children can play for free in the soft play area or enjoy the books and puzzles while their parent gets to relax with a free cup of tea or coffee. We are very grateful for the kind, monthly donation from St Leonards Church, Sherfield on Loddon, UK which funds the free drinks.


Down's Syndrome Assocation of Botswana - an organization by and for parents of children with Down syndrome. "We learn from each other to help our children, we support each other and we fight for inclusion of our children in all aspects of life: in education, in jobs, in health facilities, in social activities, in church and in sports."

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